The Twelfth Meeting

THE TWELFTH MEETING The Twelfth Meeting Good Morning Class ... The Twelfth meeting this morning class is an English course. The eight group progressed and began to introduce themselves one by one, the moderator was Pangestu Mukti Wibowo, his group's friends were Arif Wahyu Aji, Nanda Pangestu, Roid Helmi, M. Aji Putra Tama and M. Aryandoni Bima S. After completing the introduction, they immediately discussed the topic of discussion about '' ELECTROMAGNET ". First discuss the article. Both discuss the 5W + 1H questions along with the answers. The third discusses both verbal and nominal sentences. The fourth discusses tenses, paterns and reason. The fifth discusses active and passive sentences. And the last one discusses the translation of the article being discussed. After the presentation, the eight group asked the audience, did anyone ask? There are some who ask and the eight group can answer the question. After completing the question and answer session, the lecturer corrects the presentation result from the first discussion of the article until the last one discusses the translation. After correcting the presentation by the lecturer there is something wrong and the lecturer is asked to correct the wrong before entering the blog. After completing the eight group presentation today. After that the lecturer also closed the lesson today. Thank you for your attention. See you next week.


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